Event Information


Tokyo One-Stop Business Establishment Center (TOSBEC) provides administrative procedures at one place to start your business in Japan such as articles of incorporation, company registration, taxation, social insurance, and immigration.
Each consultant from governmental offices offers free consultations and supports until the submission of documents.

TOSBEC is co-established by the Government of Japan and Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and all the consultation services are free of charge. As one of the most friendly public institutions for foreign entrepreneurs in Japan, we accept online applications and offer interpretation services* with free of charge. Visit our office in Akasaka, Shibuya or Yurakucho to start your business.

* We always offer interpretation service in English. If you need interpretation in the other language besides English, please let us know in advance.

Request to all Users of Tokyo One-Stop Business Establishment Center and Business Development Center TOKYO

Tokyo One-Stop Business Establishment Center and Business Development Center TOKYO offers online consultation in addition to face-to-face consultation. All users who need to visit Tokyo One-Stop Business Establishment Center (Business Development Center TOKYO) are kindly requested to make a reservation in principal.
For online consultation and reservation, please feel free to contact us by telephone and e-mail as follows;

【Tokyo One-Stop Business Establishment Center】
TEL:81-(0)3-3582-4934/E-mail: supporttosbec.org

【Shibuya Satellite Center】
TEL: 81-(0)3-4563-5494

【Yurakucho Satellite Center】
TEL: 81-(0)3-4560-0634

【Business Development Center TOKYO(Akasaka)】
TEL: 81-(0)3-3582-8353 / E-mail:support2tosbec.org

【Business Development Center TOKYO(Marunouchi)】
TEL:81-(0)3-6269-9981 / E-mail: contactusbdc-tokyo.org
E-mail: financial-deskbdc-tokyo.org (Financial One-Stop Support Service)

【Business Development Center TOKYO(Yurakucho)】
TEL:81-(0)3-4550-6306 / E-mail: contactusbdc-tokyo.org

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


The Tokyo One-Stop Business Establishment Center (TOSBEC) is a center jointly administered by the Japanese government and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for the foreign companies which want to expand or launch their businesses in Tokyo.
TOSBEC provides free consultations with professionals in various fields of entrepreneurship and interpretation and translation services in multiple languages are also provided as needed.
Please come and participate in the information session if you are thinking about setting up business in Tokyo!

Shibuya & Yurakucho satellite Center Services

At Shibuya & Yurakucho satellite center, you can consult over videophone with experts stationed at TOSBEC in Akasaka.

  • Consultation/receptions supports service of administrative procedures regarding entrepreneurship through videophone.
  • Business consultation service by specialists such as SME management consultant.
  • Online application support service using PC.
  • Interpreting support for non-Japanese speakers.