Provide one-stop support for start-ups until the businesses go on track

The Tokyo One-Stop Business Establishment Center unifies the procedures that foreign companies and start-ups need to complete to establish a business.
The center helps to facilitate the prompt completion of various filing procedures required when starting a business. Furthermore, to meet the needs of companies, the center also offers support for electronic applications as well as interpretation and translation services in several languages.

Affiliated facilities

Additional facilities located on the same floor are also available to assist. Bilingual consultants at the Business Development Center TOKYO help to match foreign companies seeking to expand their business into Tokyo with business partners and handle inquires on life in Tokyo. In addition, the Tokyo Employment Consultation Center has also been established here to assist foreign companies that have just started doing business in Tokyo with accurately understanding Japanese employment rules, supporting the smooth development of business.

Case Studies Event Information Registration Form


The center assists in the preparation of applications for Certification of Articles of Incorporation and other procedures below, and accepts the applications.

Our service covers administrative procedures regarding business establishment. (We do not provide procedures of alteration)

※ In Tax section (National Tax and Metropolitan Tax)and Immigration section, Users may submit application forms, etc. written in English, while receiving support from interpreters etc.

Section Duties
Certification of Articles of Incorporation Certification of Articles of Incorporation by a notary service
Company Registration Consultation related to company registration, support for online procedures
(National Tax)
1.Notification of Incorporation (example form)
2.Application for Approval of Filing a Blue-form Tax Returns(PDF)
3.Notification of Establishment/Relocation/Discontinuance of an Office Paying Salaries(PDF)
4.Application for Approval of Extension of Withholding Tax Payment(PDF)
(Metropolitan Tax)
1.Notification of Incorporation (example form)
2.Notification/Application for Extension of Time to File Tax Statement (example form)
Immigration Certificate of Eligibility for Status of Residence under the categories of “Business Manager,” “Intra-company Transferee,” (PDF) ( description ) and “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/Int’l Services,“ (PDF) when related to the establishment of a business
(includes forms for family members applying at the same time)
Employment Insurance 1.Notification for Establishment of a Business Covered by Employment Insurance
2.Notification for Qualification Acquisition of Employment Insurance
Labor Insurance/Labor Standards 1.Notification for Establishment of Insurance Relation ※
2.Estimated Insurance Premiums Declaration ※
3.Notification of Applicable Understanding
4.Notification of Rules of Employment
5.Labor-Management Agreement for Overtime and Holiday Work
As for 1 and 2 above, application forms downloaded from the websites cannot be used. Please use the forms in Japanese provided at the center.
Health Insurance/Pension Insurance 1.Notification for New Application
2.Notification for Qualification Acquisition
3.Notification for Changes of Insured Person’s Dependents / Notification of Third Insured Person Qualification
4.Notification of Name in Romaji